Outdoor kitchens are convenient while camping for their ability to have your kitchen outside especially when the weather is hot or not missing out on the action around the campsite while getting dinner ready. The style of outdoor kitchens varies greatly depending on your travel trailer. While a lot of units don’t have one at all, some are quite small and basic, while others are full functional kitchens.
This is a great option to have on your trailer if you require additional cooking space or simply washing up without needing to go inside. This can even have the benefit of making your set up easier. If yours contains a cooktop and additional counter space, there will be less you need to set up and take down such as tables and a grill.
Deciding On An Outdoor Kitchen
When choosing a trailer, first off, decide if an outdoor kitchen is on your ‘must-have’ list or not. If it is, then you need to consider what needs to be included in this kitchen? Does it need to have a refrigerator? What about a sink or a built-in cook-top? All of these factors play a role in the final choice for your trailer. While you may never use your microwave for anything more than a storage box for your bread, the next person may insist on this for heating up left-overs or thawing their meat.
The appliances and set up of the area can easily sway the amount in which you use it. If you are intending for this to act as your primary cooking station, then you will want to look at one of the larger kitchens. These will have more storage space as well as counter space. It will also offer a larger refrigerator. If you simply want a small beverage fridge or a place for a quick wash up before entering the unit, there may be a smaller, simpler kitchen that is better suited for your needs.
Remember, the size of the camper doesn’t necessarily determine the size of the outdoor kitchen. Some of the smaller models are still very practical in their space usage. However, you should be aware that appliances such as the refrigerator and microwave are 110V and will only work when plugged into a power source. Unlike the refrigerator inside the camper, the outdoor one will not keep cool by running off the propane.
The 11 travel trailers that have amazing outdoor kitchens
Let’s go through all their features and why they are great, as well as anything that we aren’t a fan of.
- Palomino Puma 32FBIS
- Jayco White Hawk 26 RK
- Jay Flight SLX 8 242BHS
- Grand Design Solitude 310GK
- Winnebago 2020 Hike H172BH
- Explorer Aurora 34BHTS
- Cruiser Embrace EL310
- Mesa Ridge MR322RLS
- Prime Time LaCrosse 3360BI
- Coachmen RV Apex Ultra-lite 300BHS
- Keystone Outback 330RL Travel Trailer
So lets get going here. First up is…

Palomino Puma 32FBIS
This Palomino Puma features an outdoor kitchen with nearly as many features as the indoor one. The only thing missing from this unit is an outdoor oven! This is literally the ideal kitchen to do all your cooking to keep the odors outside or not having to disappear to make dinner from the outside action. There are so many things they did right in the Palomino that it’s hard to list them all off here.
- The doorway pops up to create a roof for shelter
- Outdoor kitchen is located close to the door
- Pull out Induction cooktop
- Unobstructed sink
- Microwave
- Dorm-sized refrigerator
- Plenty of drawer & cupboard space
- Outdoor electrical outlet
- Large countertop area
- Well Lit outdoor kitchen area
- Only one induction burner
- No BBQ
- No outdoor entertainment
- No Oven
This kitchen is a nice standard for outdoor kitchens. It literally has everything you need outside to do your cooking except for an oven, but do you really need an oven? Having another induction burner would be nice or if it was propane, then you could use it for dry camping as well. This is by far the best kitchen out there for outdoor cooking.

Jayco White Hawk 26 RK 2021
This outdoor kitchen has been revamped in 2021, it comes with a slide out sink and burner and a grill. This is the only models we have seen that has both, they are usually one or the other. This is ideal if you want to do outdoor cooking part time, while you still have the larger fridge and stove inside. The improvements over the 2020 model is the addition of counter space next to the fridge. The awning covers the outdoor cooking area and is one of the smaller outdoor kitchens, but still a nice size for this size of trailer.
- slide out cooktop & sink
- Slide out propane grill
- Located under the awning
- Electrical outlet
- Lite outdoor kitchen area
- Lots of counter space
- Lack of cupboards for storage
- No microwave
he improvements definitely make this a model worthwhile if you want the outdoor cooking space as well as the indoor. It’s well designed to accent the indoor kitchen.

Jay Flight SLX 8 242BHS 2021
This is another one of the more compact outdoor kitchens. It has a small pull out which contains both a cooktop as well as a sink. There is a long drawer running underneath the length of both of these. In addition, there is also a small 2 foot cube style refrigerator for a few drinks or condiments.
- Slide out 2 large Lp burners with sink & water
- 2 x 2 foot Fridge
- Easy slide-in-Slide-out setup
- inset counter space
- Low height counter space
- No microwave
- Not covered by the awning or have a covering
One of the biggest things that seem to be missing from this particular kitchen is any form of shelter from the weather. This is not located underneath the awning, nor does the door fold out above it in order to provide any sort of shelter. It’s ideal for those warm days when you want to cook outside.

Grand Design Solitude 310GK
This outdoor kitchen is one of the more unique designs. It’s a 5th wheel so keep that in mind. The sink and cooktop both completely pull out of an under storage area leaving the compartment empty with only a single arm attaching the system to the trailer. There is also a table as a part of this set up which folds down to give this unit the title in outdoor counter space. Remember this is an optional feature. Together, this creates an “L” shape coming off the side of your camper which allows everything to be accessible and, as a result, is perfect for prepping your dinner.
- Pull out kitchen with stove, sink, cook top
- has a grill
- tucks away nicely & easily
- Under awning near the stairs
- missing outdoor fridge
- on the small side
- no microwave
- no cupboard space
While this kitchen doesn’t have any additional cupboard space, because the entire system pulls out of the storage area, you can use this area for keeping some items but only while the kitchen is set up. However, these will need to be removed when the kitchen is put away since this is the area where it is stored. There is also no refrigerator. Due to this, anything that needs to be kept cold will still have to be kept indoors.

Winnebago 2020 Hike H172BH, H210RB, H215HS
This may be the smallest size of camper that we are looking at today, however, don’t let this fool you. The outdoor kitchen on this unit matches its size yet is simple and practical. The door to the kitchen opens upward and latches onto the wall of the trailer to ensure it doesn’t fall down in the wind. Once opened, a small cooktop and sink combo slide out, similar to that of a drawer for easy access.
- The small, compact size
- One Slide for entire kitchen
- Has a cooktop & sink
- Easy setup and takedown
- No counter space
- No microwave
- No additional storage space
- Not covered
- No refrigerator
Due to the compact size of the camper, there is only a limited amount of space that can be offered for this kitchen. As a result, you will need to set up additional tables if you wish to prep your meal or simply set up your plates outdoors. Another thing to keep in mind with this model, is that it is not located underneath the awning nor is the door held up to create any sort of roof. As a result, you will not find any relief from elements such as the weather and may need to set up an additional tarp or canopy for coverage.

Forest River Explorer Aurora 34BHTS
This is a mid-sized outdoor kitchen. It contains a dorm-style, energy-efficient refrigerator. There is also a pull-out cooktop that can simply be stowed pushed back inside when it is not in use so that it isn’t sticking out taking up unnecessary space. On the counter behind this stove, situated to the right is a simple kitchen sink set up. Above, you will find two large, double door cabinets. These are perfect for storing those constantly used spices, or dishes. As a bonus, anything that you choose to store in this area can remain here even when the trailer is put away and in motion. In addition, there is an outlet located on the sidewall. This is great for any extra luxuries you wish to bring along such as a coffee maker, ice maker, or simply to charge your cell phone.
- Covered outdoor Kitchen
- Energy-efficient A/C refrigerator
- lots of cabinets
- lots of counter space
- Solid wood cabinets
- A/C power outlet
- Light over kitchen area
- Cook top is not fix, but that could be a plus as well
- sink is located in the middle
- No microwave oven
- Could have a little better layout
Though this layout is not perfect, it does have a lot to offer for an outdoor kitchen. It’s not perfect, but does offer plenty for someone who likes the outdoor cooking space. The size is quite large in comparison to many others.

Cruiser Embrace EL310
The Cruiser Embrace utilizes an energy-efficient refrigerator. Requiring 110 volts with a 15 amp plug to use, this dorm-sized fridge is enough to handle all your refreshments for the weekend as well as most condiments as well as some food that you might be interested in cooking up shortly. There are three large upper cabinets as well as 2 lower drawers, which offer plenty of additional storage space. There is a sink located right beside the fridge with a small counter space on the opposite side of it. Below the right side counter is a pull-out cooktop
- Energy-efficient A/C powered refrigerator
- Lots of cupboard space
- Lots of drawer space
- Pull-out cookstove hidden under counter
- Outdoor Power A/C outlet
- Light lights up outdoor cooking area
- Nice size Sink
- The overall layout could have been better designed
- The cookstove is in front of only counter space
- No microwave
Overall this outdoor kitchen is nice, but the overall layout could be improved, with the stove maybe on a swivel arm to get it out of the way once pulled out so that the counter space could be utilized more frequently while cooking. There isn’t much this kitchen is missing other than maybe a microwave or a spot for your air fryer, crockpot or pressure cooker.

Mesa Ridge MR322RLS
The Mesa Ridge MR322RLS is equipped with a fair sized outdoor kitchen. The hatch door opens up and becomes the shelter for the outdoor kitchen. The first thing you notice is the large storage cabinet above. Underneath the cabinet is a light and an A/C power outlet for the fridge, which leaves one more outlet free for another small appliance. The simple sink is located to the left-hand side of this with a small countertop in the middle and a small fridge to the right. Undeath the fridge is a pull out area where a griddle is located for outdoor cooking. This makes for a nice little kitchen.
- A large overhead cabinet
- Unobstructed sink
- Pull-out cooktop griddle
- The door becomes the shelter
- The light over the sink
- An A/C outlet over the counter space.
- The griddle doesn’t block access to the sink or counter space
- The cooktop is in front of the refrigerator
- The counter is a bit small
- No microwave
- fridge is a bit small
The biggest concern of this kitchen is that you might have to reach over the griddle stove to reach into the fridge. Other than that this is a solid little outdoor kitchen with plenty of features to do most of your outdoor cooking.

Prime Time LaCrosse 3360BI
This outdoor kitchen is one of the rare kitchens that come with a large 40 inch TV and speakers as well as a large fridge. It comes with a nice sized counter space and a slide in gas grill. The door functions as a cover for the kitsch as well. While there is only one drawer.
- Lots of counter space
- Outdoor television
- Outdoor sound system
- Large fridge
- Pull out cooktop, BBQ grill
- Door functions as shelter for the kitchen
- Half the counter space is right in front of the cooktop
- No microwave
- No sink or water
- Lack of cupboard space
Due to the pull-out cooktop being located right in front of the counter space, you will either have to reach over this (it could be hot) or you will need to push it in for better access. This is inconvenient for if you are trying to cook but still want to use the space for additional prep work or for laying out other items. Also, since the television is right over the top of the counter space, you will need to be cautious as there is a good chance of making a mess on the screen. You will also be in the way while cooking for anyone who is trying to view the show behind you.

Credit: Coachman RV
Coachmen RV Apex Ultra-lite 300BHS
The Coachmen RV Apex Ultra-Lite 300BHS comes equipped with a larger outdoor kitchen. The area includes 1 extra drawer as well as a flip-down panel which leads to underneath the sink for easy access. It contains a dorm-sized mini-fridge and a separate sink for washing up with ease. This is great for families with young children who want to do a quick clean up before eating without the risk of muddying the inside of your unit. There’s also a pull-out drawer that contains your grill. Overhead, there is a large cabinet. This unit is handy in that it allows extra cooking and a storage area that can be used even when not set up. The outlet located on the back wall is great for charging cell phones and other devices as well as hooking up additional appliances such as a coffee maker.
- Extra drawer space & cupboard space
- Outdoor sink
- Large fridge
- Pull-out grill the tucks away neatly
- Door opens to shelter outdoor kitchen
- Easy access to an outlet
- No microwave
- No burners if want to cook outside
This kitchen has plenty of space and is well designed. The only thing missing about this is that it doesn’t have any burners if you want to do all your cooking outside.

Keystone Outback 330RL Travel Trailer
The Keystone Outback is a leader in extra cupboard space contained in the outdoor kitchen. It has 2 large upper cupboards which each offer tons of extra room for everything from groceries, to dishes, to highly used cooking spices, and everything in between.This contains a dorm-sized refrigerator on one side with a pull out drawer located underneath it. There is also plenty of counter space with an additional leaf that lifts when the set up is complete to make the area even wider. The sink is located to the right-hand side of the counter. There is also another ‘countertop’ that swings out further to the right so that it is not covering this sink which supports a cooktop. This ensures easy access to everything whether you are using the cooktop or not since it is not situated in front of anything in the kitchen. There is also space for the BBQ to hook up to the rear bumper. This is also located off to the side and thus, not blocking access to anything. This BBQ can connect to the propane system for the rest of your camper meaning there is no need to haul an additional tank around.
- Door shelters kitchen area
- Plenty of storage space
- Dorm sized fridge
- Lots of counter space
- 2 burner stove slide in
- Outdoor light in kitchen area
- AC plugin
- Cable outlet for TV
- No Sink
- No Microwave
This kitchen almost has it all! Other than a BBQ, sink and microwave oven. Other than that it’s a solid choice for a travel trailer with an outdoor kitchen.
There are many great styles of outdoor kitchens. Choosing which one will best fit your family really depends on your needs as well as your style of camping. If you are never hooked up to a power source, an outdoor refrigerator and microwave are probably not on the top of your priority list. However, if you are intending to stay for an extended period of time, you may just want to have access to the outdoor television and sound system. For more tips on what to look for when purchasing a travel trailer, check out this link. It provides some great tips and insight on what will work best for you.
Or perhaps you simply don’t want to have to haul a cookstove in and out of your trailer every time you set up. This may make the smaller outdoor kitchens with just a stove and sink perfect for you. Don’t let the size of the unit or kitchen cloud your judgment of its usefulness. After all, it would be a waste to pay for the extras on these units just to find out that you aren’t utilizing these features.